Quick start

Assuming XRL is correctly installed on your computer, you can now write XML-RPC clients and servers.

Writing an XML-RPC client

  1. Load and register the autoloader [1]

  2. Create a new client configured to query the remote XML-RPC server

    $client = new \fpoirotte\XRL\Client("http://xmlrpc.example.com/server");
  3. Call a method provided by that server, like it were just any other code

    // Call the remote procedure named "hello",
    // with "world" as its parameter.
    $result = $client->hello('world');
    // $result now contains the remote procedure's result,
    // as a regular PHP type (integer, string, double, array, etc.)
    var_dump($result); // string(12) "hello world!"
    // Methods with names that are not valid PHP identifiers
    // can still be called!
    var_dump($client->{'string.up'}('game over')); // string(9) "GAME OVER"

Writing an XML-RPC server

  1. Load and register the autoloader [1]

  2. Create a new server instance

    $server = new \fpoirotte\XRL\Server();
  3. Attach some methods to that server

    • You can register anonymous functions, closures, global functions, public methods on objects, etc. using the attribute access operator ->. You may even use invokable objects!

      class Simpson
          private $speech = array(
              'Homer'     => 'Doh!',
              'Marge'     => 'Hmm...',
              'Bart'      => 'Aie, caramba!',
              'Lisa'      => M_PI,
              'Maggie'    => null,
          private $character;
          public function __construct($character)
              if (!array_key_exists($character, $this->speech)) {
                  throw new InvalidArgumentException("Who's that?");
              $this->character = $character;
          public function __invoke()
              return $this->speech[$this->character];
      $server->homer  = new Simpson('Homer');
      $server->marge  = new Simpson('Marge');
      $server->bart   = new Simpson('Bart');
      $server->lisa   = new Simpson('Lisa');
      $server->maggie = new Simpson('Maggie');
    • Alternatively, you can use the array syntax [] instead. This is recommended as it avoids potential conflicts with XRL’s own attributes and it makes things easier when the method’s name is not a valid PHP identifier.

      $server['hello'] = function ($s) { return "Hello $s!"; };
      $server['string.up'] = 'strtoupper';
  4. Handle incoming XML-RPC requests and publish the results

[1](1, 2) Users of the Composer dependency manager should load the regular autoloader found in vendor/autoload.php instead.